My Mission

My mission, put simply, is to transform lives through personal relationships, and the power of God. It's a little vague as to what I will be doing, so here is what I'll be doing:

Street People

My friend "Tom Cat" (middle). Has struggled with alcoholism
for nine years. My Friend Luke and I invested a lot in him this
past summer, through little things like taking him out for pizza
on his birthday and praying for him on a regular basis
The main Group of people that I will work with is the street people of Whiteclay. The people have a lot of needs, but their biggest need is to know Jesus, and his love for them, and to chose to follow him. To accomplish that goal my approach will be simple: spending time with the people daily, loving on them, encouraging them and praying for them. In addition to just being a friend, I will offer support through the recovery process when my friends are ready. I will offer continuing friendship and encouragement as I help them find their way into the right treatment programs.

Mission Teams

I will also work with mission teams over the summer: Directing them in service projects and evangelism. I have a passion for working with mission teams because of the huge impact they had on my own life. I will seek to challenge them to take their faith more seriously, and to think through how God might be calling them to serve in their own communities, or in missions work.

Other Stuff

Although I am an employee of Lakota Hope I have quite a bit of freedom and flexibility. So I will be able to serve in partnership with other ministries, or to involve myself in other ministry areas such as running bible studies, or doing prison ministry, or youth ministry. 


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